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Cantos al Agua y otros Seres

«Cantos al Agua y otros Seres» is a celebration of the union between traditional knowledge, the mountains, the rivers, oceans, seas, animals, the invisible beings, the place, and its people, in an act mediated by love, integration by the symbolic, sonorous and expansive power of the Kuisi (Colombian Gaita in its colonial name). The Kuisi comes from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, where it has been played since ancient times by aboriginal peoples as a ritual to celebrate, sow, fertilize, and heal nature. The artist has been integrating this instrument and its spirituality into his art and practice for many years. 


«Sonidos de la Tierra, Agua y Cantos» is a ritual performance that takes place in nature and is brought into the room via video to spread the message of the Kuisi and its Territory, bringing healing to the artist, beings, and the local territory. The work aims to create a loving and intimate cultural and spiritual bridge between the mountains, its trails, and waters, re-signifying the space to honor biodiversity and life.

Community Pedagogies

Community Pedagogies is a live installation centered on listening, narration, rituals, and social experiences such as cooking. This immersion appeals to the construction of communities and brings to the salon the ancestral-popular philosophies, oral literatures, community voices, and processes of Resistance and Resilience creating an interaction of experiences framing the politics of the concept of Buen Vivir (Good Living).


This cultural erasure during the colonial era and continued as a neo-colonial practice still attempts to silence these unique ways of being, thinking, and doing, which is the focus of this space, which raises questions for its audience by proposing a dialogue about territory, body, tradition and a new global anthropogeography between migration, change and community.

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