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In the ethereal realm of PAPAYA TROPICAL's dream,

An improbable convergence,

a mystical stream.

Birthed clandestine tapestry,

ancestral and bold,

Whispers through Europe's veins, stories untold.


Ywiku, a force in the night,

Enigmatic gaitero, a serendipitous light.

Maestro of the Arts, transcending the norm,

His heart beats for all, a melodious storm.

Zapapaya, an alchemist in sonic guise,

Weaving electronic spells, under moonlit skies.

Pulsating beats, in a ritual dance,

Sonic realms he creates, a magical trance.

Genesis led by the Gaita Colombiana's call,

A mystical flute, wax-headed, standing tall. Transcendent echoes, through time they resound,

In ANCESTORS FUTURISM, a rhythm unbound.

Together they waltz, in Colombian embrace,

Traditional strains, electronic grace.

Dancing through lanes, where old meets new,

A duo united, in rhythms they strew.​​​​




Anuwes, spirits, mother and father of the earth. Nourishment, spirits, rivers, stones, and mountains. Dancing creators who whisper the verb on the peaks, guardians of secrets, witnesses of creation, the soul of yesteryear breathes traditional fabrics of times woven in this song. We cheerful singers of these verses, fine-tune the symphony of this danced prayer.


She, the voice of the earth; the message to the entire ecosystem in the gaita wind (traditional Colombian flute); the mother dancing: "Shivaldamán", the voice of the plants. A song from the earth's bowels awakens the ancestral wisdom of those who have used nature and its musicality to heal the mind, body, and spirit. The Kogi, (ancestral owners of the gaitas, aborigines of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta), sing and dance so as not to die. Her mother; Shivaldamán, the ninth of the creative mothers, has saved us from the constant tedium of life without art and sound meditations.

We sing to honor being the only world possessors of this shamanic instrument loaded with messages from the earth:

the colombian gaita.


First, there was the Sea. Everything was dark. There was no sun, no moon, no people, no animals, no plants. Only the Sea was everywhere. The sea was the Mother. She was water and water everywhere. And She was a river, a lagoon, a brook, the sea, and so She was everywhere. So, at first, there was only the Mother. She was called Gualchován. The Mother was not people, nor anything, nor anything at all. She was Aluna. She was the spirit of what was to come, and She was Thought and Memory. Thus, the Mother existed only in Aluna in the lowest world, in the depths, alone. And from the Sea was born the Earth, and from Thought the Idea, and from the Idea the Lie, and solid Space sought Time, and the Lie sought the Word, and the Word sought the Truth, and the Truth was called Poetry. She was the mother of everything

that exists and thus did it in nine worlds.


In the sacred heights of the Sierra Nevada, Ancestors resonate, and the echo of the ANUWES reverberates.

Song of roots, universal origin of the here and now, Music bearing witness to my feelings, sonic chronicles of ALUNA.


With drums, Aluna rises and celebrates the beats of these rhythms that caress SEYNAKEM - fertile and black earth. Rhythm and essence echoes of maraca, the heartbeat of this Feel-Thought.


The plot is woven in thoughts that manifest, Its notes and tuning, Threads of water and time become Narrative.

Aluna, Thought, Memory, You-I, Memory and Thought.

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