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The Creativity angle

Art and One Health for the Future

As a transdisciplinary artist, my background has focused on disruptive education, gamification and social empowerment in critical contexts. My mission is to weave the threads of art into a rainbow that unites communities and nurtures the seeds of

One health, community action, financial resilience, conflict resolution, and social empowerment.


Our mission is to bring happiness to different contexts through gardening, cooking, art, and connecting with mind-body, and nature. I believe these elements can inspire well-being, foster connection and create meaningful, healing experiences in different environments.


Our approach involves innovative and effective solutions to conflict in the many contexts in which humans interact with other Ecosystems and Bio-cultures.


We can create solutions that strengthen and unite your community.  Let's start weaving a better future now!

Jehisson Santacruz at the World Ethics Forum 2024_edited.jpg

What we do

The Creativity Angle is an innovative platform that specializes in conflict resolution in the domain of creativity. Our approach fuses conflict resolution strategies with participatory-action methods that inspire happiness and innovative solutions for the future


We address individuals, teams, and organizations seeking to address conflict constructively while

stimulating creativity to achieve exceptional results.

History of Resilience - Klima Stadt Zürich. Dic. 23
History of Resilience - Klima Stadt Zürich. Dic. 23

Conflict Navigation Consulting



We provide consultancy services to help individuals, teams and

organizations identify, understand, and resolve conflict effectively.


We use landscape and collaborative approaches to find solutions

that promote healthy relationships and positive outcomes.


This counseling session aims to identify the fundamental

elements needed to transform your reality - both symbolically and practically - through nature-based practices. These sessions explore

how these disciplines can facilitate meaningful change in personal and collective environments.


This process takes between 4 and 12 sessions.

Feel-Thinking Training



We deliver training sessions designed to develop creative problem-solving skills through art, action, and the principles of

One Health.


Our programs help groups explore new embodied perspectives and generate innovative ideas to overcome challenges, fostering collaboration and togetherness. Our practices are used to unlock creativity, strengthen community bonds, and promote resilience in any context.


We offer specialized training for school teachers, to empower educators to nurture these skills in their community, promoting

a culture of One well-being and social transformation.


Our process ranges from 12 to 24 sessions, depending on the specific needs and context.

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Cinema under the stars - Sucre_edited_edited.jpg

Well being Lab.


Buen pastor _edited.jpg

Our expert facilitators guide participants through structured creative processes that help generate ideas, foster empathetic decision-making, and lead to coherent actions.


Throughout each session, we delve deeply into specific practices such as gardening, art, and the principles of One Health. We explore the method behind our approach, which seeks to bridge the gap between feeling and thinking, creating "sentipensantes"

—beings who think with both heart and mind.


This transformative process is designed to connect participants more deeply with themselves, others, and the environment, fostering a holistic sense of well-being and community.


Our program can span from 3 to 12 months, offering ample time to cultivate meaningful and lasting change through immersive experiences and reflective practices.


Genius Conclave


We specialize in enhancing leadership skills through a harmonious blend of visionary coaching and strategic conflict resolution, applying arts, outdoor experiences, and concrete action.

Our One Well-Being methodology revolves around personal and social transformation, enabling individuals and teams to achieve their goals.


Our program includes intense, hands-on work beginning with meditation and culminates in action, guiding participants from inner reflection to external transformation. We facilitate a process that connects mind, body, and environment, fostering deep, holistic change. Our Conclave is a sanctuary for leaders who aspire to lead with grace, ingenuity, and creativity in transforming both local and global contexts—starting with themselves.


Let’s talk about your customized program and start creating the future you envision.


Get in Touch

Ready to elevate your creative experience and transform conflicts into opportunities?


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