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Viktor, Siri, and me


брат !! Mi amigo Viktor! Mi hermano!!

Mi gran amigo Viktor de guitarra y bajo!!

Tanta Comida, Canto, Vino, Sopa, Historia, 

Gracias Abuelo Ucraniano!!

Tu poética y mirada dulce nos narra hoy 2024

La amiga del traductor sella el lazo que nos une,

disfrutando de buen café colombiano!!

Fotos y recuerdos para salvarse

de las bombas en tierras eslavas... 

Cuánto hemos reído, llorado y juntos Viktor:

Cantemos juntos брат !!!



Video Installation


Never Been Afraid


Thiep, from South Sudan, tells me how running became the only way to escape the reality that took his family away from him as a child amid raw violence. Thiep Gothoupuk Puok, my brother, a great athlete,

calm and quiet, my friend with an exemplary and wise life that shines amid chaos, racism, and marginalization.


Short Film


De la resistencia a la resiliencia
florece la esperanza

​Gilmer Uscategui, a Colombian in exile, tells us how,

in exile, he was a tree forced to grow and take root

in other lands and territories, hoping to continue

building the country he had always dreamed of.

His roots have walked through exile in different places,

at different times, and today, as an adult,

he must learn to be reborn there,

again and again.




Short Film


The Prophecies of Wind

Is an art-object installation where an ancestral message takes place in a futuristic context, where the digital and the organic become one. 


Video Installation 
The message_edited.jpg
tell me _edited.jpg
Tell me if you see me pass


El espíritu de un hombre

insiste en hallar su cabeza y su cuerpo.

Camina Jaime Forero entre sombras,

su familia clama justicia por el crimen atroz.

En el gobierno, centro de la controversia,

no desean contar ni escuchar, 

esta historia nacional.



Video Installation



Video Installation


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